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Someone ELSE sharing THEIR screen. Help me please!


When someone else shares their screen with me and try to play a video it  skips frames so I only see a their movement every so often. The audio works smoothly though. My internet is fast and this only happens on my Macbook air, not on my other laptop or phones which use the same internet. 


I have no issues when I screen share, just other people sharing with me.


Thanks for your wisdom!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @rainyday 


It may be that the person sharing is sharing a very high resolution display (like a 4K monitor) and that your MacBook Air struggles to render at your end in real-time.


I sometimes notice different types of performance on different types of computers when someone is screen-sharing fast moving content from 4K displays.


Also - just in case your MacBook Air is on WiFi, maybe just as an experiment, try using a wired ethernet connection to your router.


Ashough you have a fast internet connection, WiFi can often be limiting factor in actually obtaining the true speeds of your connection. Different devices can also have different level of WiFi performance. 


Hope this helps




Hi Rupert, 


Thank you for your reply. It happens with anyone sharing a video, even low res youtube videos. The people attempting to share screen videos come from multiple sources - work, college, family, friends .etc.


I will try your ethernet cord experiment. 


I guess it must be my laptop because it doesn't happen on any of our other devices. However I have a 2020 MacBook Air so this surprises me. I never have any other video skipping issues so I thought it might be a setting in my Zoom. It's like it just shows me every 3rd frame  or something.