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Sharing a cloud recording - settings


I want to share a cloud recording from my fitness class and allow it to be viewed only for a specific number of days - I see the expiry date setting.

My questions are: 

1. If I enable "download", will the link still expire in the set # of days even if they download the file if they go to watch it after the expiration date?

2. Do I need/want "view recording on demand" or "passcode protection"?


Thank you!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @scdicks,


The expiration date is the expiration date of the link, after which the link will no longer access the recording.  If during a previous visit to the link someone downloads the file, Zoom has no control over that -- they can continue to play (and potentially edit their copy of) the recording whenever they like, and could share the file with others.  For this reason, if you really want to maintain tight control over the recording, I recommend turning off the Download switch in the Share pop-up menu,



It's advisable to have the passcode, but not absolutely necessary, since the URL to the recording is difficult to guess (as opposed to the URL to join a meeting without a passcode which just requires a 9-10 digit number).  If you want to modify the passcode, click the pencil icon to change it; sometimes the generated passcode has special characters in it which confuses some people when they're trying to copy or hand-type it in.


The "View on demand" option, according to this Zoom Support document, "Requires users to enter their name and email address before viewing or downloading the recording. The host will be able to download a report with this information."  I recommend using it, though sometimes people get confused when they "register" to access the video when they already registered for the meeting/webinar.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.