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Sharing Wrong Zoom Screen


Hi! Myself and a couple of team members are having recent issues with screen sharing. I am not sure it is due to an update of zoom or what. In the last week, multiple team members who are very technically inclined, have had issues with zoom autoselect a screen to share.


What this means, you select share window (on a mac and with an external monitor) and it shares an entire screen or different window. You select unsure and for the next 2-3 times you will select the same window you are trying to share and zoom auto selects the wrong window/screen. After a couple of times, it will eventually select the right thing.


As you can imagine, this has led to our team showing things we normally would not to clients etc. We are being more careful until this is resolved. This started happening in that past 1.5 weeks.  



Hey @sieraupright, can you and the others go into your Zoom settings > Share Screen > and try selecting the following share screen settings

Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 10.40.39 AM.png


Thinking you had 'automatically share desktop' selected and prefer sharing individual windows instead of all when sharing apps. 

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