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Recurring Meeting with No Fixed Time BUG!


It seems the functionality of a NO FIXED TIME meeting has changed with what's displayed in the browser being very different to what's displayed in the app.


I really need the app to reflect the browser, as currently the app is displaying INCORRECT information about recurring meetings with no fixed time. Please advise a) how to do this; b) get the developers to get this bug sorted.


I've put together a video to explain the problem:



I too have found discrepancies.

a) I created a new Meeting in the Browzer and want it to be NO FIXED TIME and all looked well.

When I go to the APP, it shows this new meeting as a recurring meeting set up for every day for 60 days.

The App is showing something different to the Browzer.

b) Then all my recirring Meetings all seem to have an end date of 27 October.

What is this? Willl all my recurring meetings disapear in October?

Because I have spent over an hour working on this and it used to be so easy to set up a recurring meeting and now I am so comnfused.



i am also having issues with the "no fixed time"... it sets up a daily recurring. i use one link per client and have multiple calls with different people - each call i set up renames the recurring meeting to include candidate names, which i do NOT want it to do. it doesnt look like you received answers to your question though. i guess Zoom doesnt care to answer questions? 

I have had no reply from Zoom since I raised this issue in August last year. I would have expected the Zoom team would have monitored the community and contributed when other members didn't. It seems my assumption was mistaken. It makes it so much harder to get the most out of the software when it's so poorly supported.