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Recording meetings--Whose images/faces are recorded?


I want to record a meeting, and record *only* my face, to maintain the privacy of the participants. Is that possible?


Also, can I set up a meeting so that only *I* can see the others, and they can't see each other, again for privacy concerns? 


Thank you!




Hi @TinkerBill welcome to the community! Can you please let me know if you are referring to local recording or cloud recording? If you haven't already, I would suggest looking into the KB article on Focus Mode and see if that feature is what you're looking for! 🙂


This feature gives the host and co-hosts view of all participants’ videos without other participants seeing each other. This extends into screen sharing, as the host and co-host can view and switch between each participant’s shared screen, while the participants can only view their own content. If the host finds a participant’s content should be shared with others, they can easily begin sharing the participant’s screen with others.


Besides the host, co-hosts, and participants spotlighted by the host, participants in focus mode can still see their own video but only see other participants' names, their nonverbal feedback or reactions, and hear them when unmuted.


If enabled, hosts also have the ability to schedule meetings with focus mode, so that the meeting automatically starts with focus mode on.

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