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Recorded Meeting


Is it possible to find out how many, if anyone, watched a recorded meeting once shared?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



The answer is yes for Cloud recordings.


View cloud recording analytics


You can view analytics (page views and downloads) for a cloud recording that you have shared internally or externally.

  1. Access recording management.
  2. Find the recording you want to view and click the topic.
  3. Click Recording Analytics.
  4. Use the drop-down menus at the top to specify a date range, then click Search.
  5. Click one of the tabs to view a summary or filter data by view/downloads.
    You will see the following recording metrics:
    • Summary: A brief summary of views and downloads by date. 
    • By View: The number of times that someone viewed the recording page, as well as how long they viewed the recording. This metric does not track the number of times the recording was played. Also, this metric does not count unique page views, thus if someone reloads the page, it will count as another view.
    • By Download: The number of times that someone clicked Download in the cloud recording page. This metric does not track the number of times that the download was completed. In other words, if the user clicked Download but didn't finish downloading, it still counts toward this metric.

You can also click Export as CSV file, which will export the data in the current tab as a CSV file.


  • If a Zoom user is signed in to their account on the web and views or downloads the recording, this column displays their profile name and associated email address. Otherwise, guests who view recordings and do not provide their emails to the host will not be displayed in the recording analytics; their email will be hidden in the By Viewtab.
  • The metrics will not reset if you change the sharing settings for the cloud recording. For example, if you change it from private to public. 



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