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On-demand recordings


Is there a way I can keep my on-demand recording available for view but not download? I want to protect my intellectual property



Hello matildemmv,


In the web portal select the recording you wish to share. In the top right corner look for the share button with an arrow on it (see screenshot). After clicking on that, click share settings at the bottom of the windows that comes up. In the share setting uncheck "viewers can download".



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***Sometimes success is only achieved through many failures!***

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @matildemmv,


And thanks, @ChrisO -- I totally misread the original question!


I'll leave my answer here though... in case it sparks some interest. 🤠


If you want to rely on Zoom safekeeping your video, you can certainly leave it on the Zoom Cloud long-term.  In my opinion, there are only two requirements:

  1. Don't "delete" the recording -- leave it in your list at 
  2. Maintain your Zoom paid account current.

A couple of other things to think about:

  • Make sure that the combination of your IP-containing recording and any other recordings that are kept do not exceed the quota you are allowed, or that you have added on to your account.  Currently a single Pro user has a 5GB storage allocation.  If you exceed this, Zoom will charge you extra fees for the over usage.
  • If you accidentally do "delete" the recording, you can recover it for 30 days by going into the "Trash" area:


  • To recover a deleted recording from the trash, click the Restore link/button next to the desired recording and follow the prompts.
  • "Protection" of intellectual property means different things to different people.  If you simply want a confirmed record of your description of the idea, you might also consider contacting someone with experience in NFTs -- not the virtual coinage variety, but there are ways to use NFTs as proof of creation, originality, and being untampered.  Consider that as an alternative, perhaps.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.