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Hello. I have a free account with Zoom but have never used it for anything except attending a couple of meetings. A friend of mine in Colombia is wanting me to teach her English online. Would this basic service work for that? Is there a time or frequency limit as to how often we could have lessons through Zoom? I don't really even know what other questions I need to ask. Any info is appreciated. Thanks.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Recently some changes were made to what we call Basic accounts, and meetings are limited to 40 minutes, but I don’t think there are any restrictions on how many meetings you can have, nor how often. 

Zoom Pro accounts aren’t too expensive, at about $15USD/month, but I understand that is out of reach for many people with tight budgets. 

See this pricing page. Note that if you can afford to pay for a whole year up front, the overall cost is about $12.50USD/month. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.