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My settings in Zoom were changed without my knowledge.


I have signed up for the zoom business plan and have been assigned the domain.

Yesterday, I made sure that "Only authenticated users can join meetings from Web client" was turned on in my settings. It was always OFF until then.

I asked other users who have been assigned the domain, and their settings were also changed.

Was there a change from the Zoom side all together yesterday?


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @jigenji thank you for your post here on the Zoom Community! If you are part of a larger organization, this setting could have been changed at the Account or Group level in which case it would impact your personal Zoom settings. Notice this image taken from the setting at the Account level


If I change this setting it changes defaults for users. And if I lock it, all users will have this setting applied. 


Zoom settings can be globally set at the account level. You also have user groups that can be created to define specific settings for different groups of users. Anything locked at the account level will be locked in the group level, too.


User settings are what you see when you first sign into the Zoom portal, in the upper left "Personal" section


Depending on what is set at the Account and/or Group level, you could notice your settings change at the personal level. 


If this has answered your question to your satisfaction, please click the "Accept as Solution" button below but if not please reply and we can continue the  discussion. Thank you!

So, I am having this same problem: the us06web.zoom showing up when I log onto my personal zoom. I found that this happened just today when I logged onto a class I am taking which downloaded software automatically (I don't know why because zoom is already on my computer) and now my login has been "hijacked" by this us06web.zoom and not my normal I don't like this because I am paying for a service that has now changed. This has happened across devices and I would like it resolved, please. This happened with my work zoom as well, it was "hijacked" when I took a class hosted by the state and now their zoom link is a part of my account link. This does not feel safe at all. How can this be resolved?