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My clients can't join scheduled meeting through link after it has begun


Some clients are reporting that they can't join our scheduled meetings through link after it has already begun.  Does a setting of mine need adjustment?


If I schedule a meeting with a client at 2:30pm, say, then the Invite Link does not let them in for some reason if they click it at 2:30pm or later.


Any suggestions?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @UngarL.


I've searched around Zoom for anything related to this.  The only thing I see that could cause this is that the "Lock meeting" feature on the Security icon is turned on.  Normally it is off:


There's no user or account setting that would Lock the meeting, that I can find.  If the Waiting Room is turned on, they should end up there.


If this continues to occur, try to get one of your (potential) attendees to get a screen shot of any message or pop-up window they get, and come back here with more info.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.