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Muting a participant on my end only


We are a recording studio. We run two zoom links. One in the booth and one in the control room. Our system requires that we mute the booth feed in the control room but not to other participants. If we are the host, when we mute the booth it cuts their feed entirely. This did not used to happen. Is there a way to mute only what we hear in the control room?


Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hey @missionsound, just trying to understand your use case with the two accounts. Are they hosting separate meetings or did you use one account to join the other accounts meeting? When you mute, it mutes everyone in the meeting if I am understanding this correctly? When muted, this mutes the input sound of the participant when attempting to talk, share sound, etc. However, you should still have sound coming out of your speakers or your output source while in-meeting. 

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