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Moving Cloud Recordings to Another Account


Our small business has an account and the owner has a separate account.  There are cloud recordings under her account that we want to move to the business account.  Is there a way to do that?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hey, @artmasters,


I know the Zoom Staff can do that for recordings in the same organizational account (under some circumstances, even an account admin can do it). Not sure if it’s possible between organizations;  I know it’s not possible for a user or admin to do that. 

Another approach is to download them all to a computer, and upload to YouTube, Vimeo, etc. just a thought. 


Most of us are volunteers here in the Zoom Community and don’t have access to account information or ability to make changes to accounts. Zoom Staff can definitely help you with this request.


Create a Support Ticket directly to Zoom Staff at: 

 Be sure to include details of the account emails, etc. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


Thank you for the information - I will most likely contact zoom support.


How to transfer data to another user
If the user that you are deleting is an admin, you must change the admin a member first.

Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with user edit privileges.
In the navigation menu, click User Management then Users.
Search for the user you want to remove and transfer the data from.
Click ellipses to the far right of their name, next to Edit.
Click Delete.
Select which types of data you would like to transfer:
All upcoming meetings: All scheduled meetings, excluding meetings scheduled with the user's PMI, are transferred.
All upcoming webinars: All scheduled webinars are transferred. The receiving user must have a webinar license assigned to their profile before they can view the webinars.
All cloud recording files: All cloud recordings are transferred. The receiving user must be Licensed before they can view the cloud recordings.
Enter the email address of the user you would like to transfer the selected data to.
Click Delete.


J Wick