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Meeting invitation text keeps getting replaced


Its happened three times already that when I add or delete someone from an event, it replaces my event text. I get the message "The event description will be replaced with the Zoom default invitation." This has been really frustrating as a I have to quickly edit it back to what I originally wrote and it resends to everyone. 


I've been making the changes through outlook/the zoom plugin. Anyone have any solutions? Can't seem to find any.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @alopez,


My Zoom Outlook add-in doesn't do that, but it was a recent installation.  I've found several people with questions who installed Zoom Outlook add-ins a long time ago which has a different user interface.  (Note: I tested new Meetings, new Appointments, and adding/deleting attendees from Appointments.)


How long ago was your add-in installed?  At what point in the process does that message appear?  Is it ONLY when you add or delete someone, or does this happen when you simply make the initial Meeting or Appointment?

Ray - Need Zoom Events/Sessions Help? Visit
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Hi Ray,


I would say its been happening for about the last two-three months. Its only happened when I make a change to the meeting (i.e. add or delete someone) but doesn't always happen which is what makes it more strange. 

I'm experiencing the same issue.  Did you ever solve this problem?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @DBrillowski,


I don't think so.  I never got enough information to be able to replicate the problem to figure out how to solve it.  If you can replicate this (semi)consistently, it would be helpful to me if you could get a screen shot of the area that's being affected, before and after the change occurs, and any messages that you get.  (Please redact any personal or sensitive information in your screen shots.)


I can't tell if it's something Outlook is doing, or if the Zoom plug-in is doing it.  But I'll try to figure it out... eventually!

Ray - Need Zoom Events/Sessions Help? Visit
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This happens consistently in Outlook when I'm sending invites on behalf of another person.
Original invite messaging:


After adding additional attendees the message reverts to:




Any further updates? This is the only thread where I've found my exact issue and it is extremely frustrating to deal with. 

It looks to be the plug-in because it's zoom that is loading the client and replacing the text with only the zoom link info. You have to open the event, make edits, CLOSE, then re-open the event and make edits to the emails (remove or add) and then it will give you the message that it's replacing everything. We don't even have a chance to cancel/stop it. 


I don't see any solutions below to this issue. This happens every time I update (add users, content) to a recurring meeting with Zoom in outlook.

I end up having to reply-all to the meeting invitees to provide information that should be in the meeting invite.

Zoom just used to add the incredibly obnoxious Zoom table to the bottom of the other items in the invite - but now it's just replacing it wo an option for me to tell Zoom 'Don't do that!!'

And I have the latest zoom plug-in for Outlook - I get prompted to update all the time. This used to be sporadic - but now I can count on this happening everytime with recurring meetings.


It's been two years since this issue was reported and Zoom still can't provide an answer.

I found a thread where this was reported in January 27th 2022, and the thread was marked Resolved with a link that just points to a link on how to use the Zoom Plugin but there was zero information regarding the issue reported or how to prevent it.

One of the users in that thread then went ahead and created another thread since they figured they were getting no answers because the thread was already marked as resolved, and of course that thread also went unanswered and unresolved.

Now I find this thread that is also from 2022 hoping for something to work with and this one at least has a post from a month ago, March 1st, 2024, with a user who is also having the same problem which confirms that Zoom has done nothing to fix this for the past two years. I have an end user experiencing exactly what everyone in these threads has been reporting and we have the latest version of the plug in (ver and yet the issue occurs as described since January 2022. Two years and three months and still no answers. At least our organization won't have to deal with this for much longer. We'll be moving over to Microsoft Teams soon which will save us all from this headache. Good luck to everyone else who is experiencing this issue. 


Yes, I am having this issue also for more than 6 months now. Whenever a meeting is updated (new attendee, meeting moved, participants removed, etc.,), it wipes out the meeting details. Our IT team tried several things, but they are unable to fix the issue. It is very frustrating and takes lot of our time.  Hope Zoom can find a solution soon. 


I'm having the same issue.  Zoom deletes the meeting text and replaces it was the meeting invite login information.  Very annoying.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hello @TXAGGIE93,

Welcome to the Zoom Community! We're glad to have you here. 

Kindly update your Outlook add-in to the latest version which resolved minor bug issues.

Let me know if this solves your concern or if you need further assistance.

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