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JW library 2nd screen stops when touch zoom app


Every once in awhile when we have an issue where if you touch the zoom app JW library will get removed from second screen and replaced with Zoom.  Of course you see all of the friends on Zoom on the monitors in the hall.   You have to go back and click on the task bar second screen for JW library to show the daily text again on the monitors.  If you close zoom and JW library and reopen it will resolve itself.  Does anyone have a fix? Thanks.  



There is another Zoom forum discussing this and no one has fully resolved it yet. This is what has helped us....has not stopped the issue 100% but has reduced how much it happens. This is a Zoom issue seems to be the concensus.
We leave Use Dual Monitors checked.....Before the meeting starts we make sure the 2nd Zoom screen(the one showing the stage and participants) is on the TV's and is maximized. Then in the Taskbar I put my cursor over that 2nd screen thumbnail and when the small preview window appears I slide my cursor up in the preview, right click to get the menu and left click on minimize. The 2nd screen gets pulled back to the Taskbar of the PC monitor. Leave it there until it is time to show that 2nd screen for someone giving a talk on Zoom. When its time for a part over Zoom I remove the spotlight for the stage and I reverse what I did earlier.....slide my cursor over the thumbnail again, slide it onto the preview window, right click to get the menu and left click on Maximize. When that part is over minimize the window again, put stage spotlight on again and click on thumbnail for Year Text.
Now when Zoom decides to take over the 2nd screen, which usually happens during a song, it only shows a black screen and we just quickly click on the JWL thumbnail to bring it back.
With a little practice it can be done very smoothly.

If you, disable and re-enable the “Play Video in 2nd screen” in JW library, it will regain control of the 2nd screen


I have screenshots of what we do but unfortunately cannot upload them.


Hi, is it possible to send me those pictures on my email?

I would try to send to your email.


send me your email



Zoom Issue2.pngZoom Issue3.pngSorry......but the email is not able to be seen......Zoom is blocking it......but I am able to load those pics now. Read my previous message and I think you can follow what we do.


Sorry, this took so long to reply.  We tried the jwl app but now it won't work.  I will try your suggestion this week.  Thanks for your help. 


Here is another possible fix I found on another forum. Click on the JW library window on the TV. Make it smaller by clicking the little square restore down button. Then drag it to the Laptop/PC. Then click on it again and drag it back to the TV/Screen 2. Then click the little square icon to maximise it. That usually fixes the problem.  


I hope this helps.


Kind regards



A fix (or workaround) that worked for us without closing any apps is to set a separate device as a host, leave the meeting (without ending the meeting) on the computer, enter again and retrieve the host privileges. That makes the second screen to stop disappearing for a while.