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Issue with 64bit ZoomInstallerFull.msi not silently updating without prompting for admin creds


Is anyone else experiencing an issue where Zoom updates are requiring admin rights to update?  I deployed v5.12.3 (9638) via SCCM a few months back and used the ZoomAutoUpdate="true", EnableSilentAutoUpdate=1;SetUpdatingChannel=0 switches, but they didn't update in the registry, and any Zoom updates are prompting for admin creds.  Here is my installer cmd:

msiexec.exe /i "%~dp0ZoomInstallerFull.msi" /quiet /qn /norestart /log zoommsi.log MSIRestartManagerControl=”Disable” zNoDesktopShortCut="true" zSilentStart="true" ZoomAutoUpdate="true" DisableAdvancedSharingService="true" ZConfig="Min2Tray=1;EnableSilentAutoUpdate=1;SetUpdatingChannel=0"


After searching today, I found this page with info on new autoupdating switches.  Enterprise Auto Update policies for the Zoom client – Zoom Support

I updated my installer with the updated autoupdating switches, but it still is requiring admin creds to install updates.  Here is the new installer:

msiexec.exe /i "%~dp0ZoomInstallerFull.msi" /quiet /qn /norestart /log zoommsi.log MSIRestartManagerControl=”Disable” zNoDesktopShortCut="true" zSilentStart="true" DisableAdvancedSharingService="true" ZConfig="AU2_EnableAutoUpdate=1;AU2_SetUpdateChannel=0;AU2_EnableShowZoomUpdates=0;AU2_EnableUpdateAvailableBanner=1;AU2_EnableManualUpdate=1;Min2Tray=1;"


Is anyone else seeing this?  Am I messing up some of the cmds in this?


Thank you.



Not sure if you found the answer but, I'm pretty sure your issue is the use of DisableAdvancedSharingService="true" - this prevents the enablement of the Zoom Sharing Service which is also used to provide the privileged context to run the zUpdate.exe process that does the actual upgrade.