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How can I stop the screen from switching to a noisy classmate who forgot to mute themselves?


I continually have problems in online classes where a clueless person has forgotten to mute themselves - so every time they cough, the screen switches to them.  This happens in a martial arts class where I need to see only the teacher at full screen at all times.  How can I stop the screen from switching to Mr. Clueless?  (Note:  I am not the teacher, I'm just a participant.) People don't read chats I send, so I have to interrupt the teacher to tell him to mute this person.  I have this problem a lot and I'm surprised it's so hard to find an answer.  It's super-annoying.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @kateharp,


 Zoom doesn’t have a way for attendees to  prevent individual attendees from showing up. Zoom expects the host to manage the users. As you’ve found, if the host doesn’t do that, you’re stuck with asking the host to do it. 

You might consider putting in a feature request to the Zoom staff here: 


But also look at this Zoom Support article on Pinning — you may be able to Pin your instructor:


Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.