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Firewall ports to open Some MTR can join zoom meeting via direct guest join


Hello community,

I have Cisco devices in a Microsoft Teams environment, and these devices are running in Microsoft Teams Room mode.  I want these devices to be able to join Zoom meetings using Microsoft's direct guest join feature.  What firewall ports do I need to open to make this happens?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

The bulk of information on Zoom<-> Teams DGJ interop can be found here (including firewall requirements):

Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, there seems to be nothing there that tell me what ports someone on an MS Teams Tenant needs to open on their firewall in order to join zoom meeting. 

Hi Bat_Man. Were you able to figure it out? I'm currently under your same predicament.


If I understand the question clearly, you are attempting to use MS Team Direct Guest Join to access a Zoom meeting?  
Based on my understanding Direct Guest join is basically a method to join a MS Teams meeting via a browser, I am not sure it works in the other direction.  I think from your MS Teams platform you would need to support joining a 3rd party SIP using CVI or the ability to launch and join a Zoom meeting via the browser from your MTR.
I have does this with a Surface Hub by just launching MS Edge and selecting join from browser, it's not a seamless join experience but it works well.

Similar to a Zoom Room joining a Teams Meeting, Teams Rooms can join a Zoom meeting. I believe, but really am not sure, that they do something similar where it runs off of a web browser.


What Bat_Man and myself are looking for, is for the ports required for this to work.