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Enlarging (zooming) a portion of the screen while sharing the desktop


I'm using an Apple Studio and have zoom turned on under the Accessibility setting in the OS. While sharing my screen in a meeting I can  use CTL and the scroll wheel on my mouse and see it zoom in on my display, but meeting participants don't see it zoom.

Does anyone know of a way to make that happen?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

In Settings->Share Screen->Advanced, can you try changing the capture method to 'Previous Operating Systems' and then report back?




Thanks, I'll give that a try when I can arrange a zoom call with someone. But, FYI, I'm on Sonoma 14.2.1 and the doc for that setting is as follows:

Legacy/Previous operating systems: This option can be applicable if you are not on the latest Windows or macOS operating systems, or don't have certain video drivers. If this option isn't enabled, a blank screen may appear on participants' screens while the host shares their screen.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Yes, this is why the option was not offered as a solution, but a first step. Since Zoom is not respecting your OS' accessibility-based zooming using a different (legacy) capture method could yield a different result based on how the capture is performed. We want to rule this out.

Sorry for the delay in responding. The first step didn’t produce the desired results. I also tried some of the other options under Advanced and nothing seemed to help.