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Display Name Wrong


Every time i log in my display name is wrong and there is no "display name" setting that I can find anywhere anymore.   Everything in my profile and on the account is correct. 



Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Make sure you are clicking Edit to the right of your name on your Profile...this then opens up another page with more of them is Display Name.

The display name there is showing correctly.  When I am on a zoom call it is pulling something else. 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@imsosarah – this Zoom Support article has some information on setting the display name.


 Something else I have seen – not very often, but it happens – is that the Zoom client app on Windows or Mac is logged into a different account than your web browser (on Check to be sure they are logged into the same account.


 Also note that if you are using an invitation you received  as the result of registering for an event, the name you used when registering will generally override the display name on the account you’re logged in as. If any of these situations apply, locate your entry on the participant window, right click and pick the Rename menu — you can change your display name there, but only for the current session. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


I am having the same issue...despite changing my display name, when people are in the waiting room they are still getting a different name. 

did you ever get an answer that helped? i am getting the same thing


Same - I once sign ed into an event with the wrong name SAM  and now when I join a zoom  it puts in SAM and I have to go and rename myself


how do I check that my browser is logged in correctly, the name displayed has nothing to do with me it is a completely different name

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @BrianMc,


To check how your browser is logged in, go to 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Greetings, all!


I thought of another consideration: If you are attending an event that requires registration, your Display Name will be set to what was entered for the registration link you are using. If it’s your registration, it’ll be whatever you entered when you registered; if someone forwarded you their registration link, it’ll be whatever they entered. Never share your registration links, and always register for yourself and use the link emailed to you. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


m having the same problem...I use my middle name on a Facebook profile which used to be linked to my zoom account. I deleted my zoom account and re-created it with my business email only but my middle name always defaults when I join a zoom meeting. My zoom account setup is correct but nothing fixes the problem.



So is there anyway to solve the issue
it happens for me if I jump on a zoom on my computer and have nor logged into ZOOM

- I once signed into an event with the wrong name SAM  and now when I join a zoom  it puts in SAM and I have to go and rename myself
is the cache I have to clear
