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Deleting just "individual" previous zoom meetings when you hit the join button not just clear histor


Question you know how when you log into zoom there is a join button and you can hit the drop down and see your previous 10 meetings. They do have a clear history button but lets say you only want to get ride of one is there a way to delete it out the history without getting rid of everything? Thank you!



This is a real pain --- and a significant design flaw in the product.  Apparently the ZOOM design gurus don't use their own product.  They could not care less that their customers --- who pay to use the product --- have this very cumbersome and most inconvenient limitation of having to re-enter all of their regular meetings when they need to remove one or more individual meetings from their "history" drop-down list.  It appears that ZOOM is more interested in raking in more money from "new" stuff to care about the products and features that have been their bread-and-butter for so many years (and got them the market share they now enjoy).  That business model will come back to bite them in the butt.


N. A. Schell


Adding 6 lines of code to their software would solve this problem.  But they don't seem to care about their existing customers.

N. A. Schell

Contributor I
Contributor I

This is an interface issue. There is a marketplace app, Salepager, that provides with an interface for your Zoom meetings that gives you more control over which meetings to show.