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Can't find meetings in Zoom




Since Zoom adopted it's dreadful new interface a few months ago, sometimes when I start up the program, I can't find my meetings. I have around 30 meetings set up, which I use on an ad hoc basis. All of them are reoccurring but are not set for a particular time.

Anyway, sometimes when I click on 'Meetings', they are there at the bottom, underneath the huge empty space for the calendar/scheduler I will never use. However sometimes, apparently randomly, they don't show up at all, so I have to go onto the website, login (for some reason Zoom does not allow me to stay logged in), and open the meeting that way, which takes longer and is inconvenient.


Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone know how I can solve this, or ideally go back to the classic Zoom interface, when the company understood that it was a video platform, and not a calendar service?



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

On a Windows 11 PC that I control I use a shortcut to a script created by AutoHotKey that signs in to the account and starts the meeting. A simple single click which can be given a friendly name.

AppData := EnvGet("AppData")
run AppData "\Zoom\bin\Zoom.exe"
WinWait "Zoom Workplace",,15
WinActivate "Zoom Workplace"
WinWaitActive "Zoom Workplace",,15
sleep 3000
Send "{tab}{tab}{tab}{enter}"
WinWait "Zoom Workplace",,15
WinActivate "Zoom Workplace"
WinWaitActive "Zoom Workplace",,15
Send "^a"
SendText "<username>"
Send "{tab}"
SendText "<account password>"
Send "{enter}"
sleep 5000
WinWait "Zoom Workplace",,15

run AppData "\Zoom\bin\Zoom.exe --url=zoommtg://<meeting ID>&pwd=<hashed passcode from Zoom link>"