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Best of both worlds? Merge Meeting and Webinar Features


There is a need for a Zoom function that combines webinar and meeting features for "Town Hall" or "Public Forum" events. Context: we run public Town board meetings where anyone can attend. Therefore, we cannot require Zoom accounts or pre-registrations for participants. Anyone should be able to click the link and be in the waiting room just as they can walk into Town Hall. However, because of this openness we are prone to Zoombombers or just the unsuspecting noisy citizen that doesn't realize their microphone is on. 

- Create two categories of participant: cleared and flagged. For example, people the host recognizes can have ability to unmute/video-on but people you don't know or are concerned might be a Zoom-bomber can't. Currently, the meeting security feature toolbar is all or nothing: either everyone can unmute/video-on or no one can. Same for screenshare. Think if this like TSA pre-check. Right now the only option would be to make them a co-host but that is not appropriate for a citizen attending a meeting. 

- Ability for webinar attendees to see the participant list. Why can't the webinar creator choose in settings if they want the list to be public or private? Some town hall meetings are better suited for the Webinar style with panelists, but the attendees should be able to see who else is "in the meeting hall." 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @willistonvt  — interesting suggestions!


The volunteers in the Zoom Community don’t have a way to handle feature requests. Please use this Zoom web page to make a feature request directly to Zoom staff:

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.