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Audio problem


Hello all.


For the last couple of years I've been using Zoom to work with a choir. We've figured out how to make the best of the platform for teaching and rehearsing and we've also run some very successful concerts.


We've just started to work on a Christmas event - loads of people in a room, singing, being led and accompanied by a musician playing an accordion, just as we have for the last two years, with 30-odd people from across 5 time zones joining us on Zoom.


We're using the same set-up that we always have - a small video camera with inbuilt microphone attached to a laptop, with a further laptop for event admin. Everyone remains muted, the only device with sound input is the one connected to the camera and mic.


It's always worked fine before but this time it's just about OK with speech but as soon as the instrument kicks in we have hugely distorted sound which persists after the instrument stops.


I've adjusted for original sound and I've tried with sound augmentation for the mic both on and off.


Have I missed some new, tricksy adjustment for loud noise adjustment? Any ideas anyone please?




Trevor. (UK)


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Try original sound for musicians;

"The Original sound for musicians setting allows for the preservation of audio received from your microphone without using Zoom's echo cancellation and audio filters. This is ideal if your microphone or sound equipment has these features built-in or you are wanting to preserve the full range of sound from a musical instrument."



Thanks - yes I've enabled 'original sound' to no avail.

This does not help. We think the update has overloaded the microphone.

Thanks - yes, everything is plugged in and working. I've tried an external camera with microphone and the laptop's own microphone array - the issue is the same with both. Hey ho! Thanks anyway,


Thanks folks.


I've enabled 'original sound' to no avail, and all the peripherals are working. The issue seems to be that the microphone is overloading with the sound and I can't work out where the adjustment needs to be made.


Thanks anyway.


I have had the same problem. I have checked the laptop, the internet connection, uninstalled and reinstalled Zoom and it is still not working. I think you are on to it about overloading the microphone. But I have been unable to change the microphone setting so far. Good luck.


I just want to add my two cents.  I'm unofficial co host so have no controls I can change except to myself.  But the host and I fiddle and give feedback to allow sounds for church service.  We had hifi working for all of a week in October.  But there was an update and kablooey.  Then another update and I no longer hear electric organ and the audio prerecorded CD no longer has much sound.   Sure went south in a hurry.  We have tested and tested and no setting gets us back to the hi fi we had.  Sure hope someone out there has had the same issue and resolved it in the last two months.


Yes, similar experience here. The update seems to be the cause of the problems. The last music lesson here happened on the phone. zoom couldn't handle it no matter what we tried. 

I guess we have to look for another provider, or hope for a fresh update to fix whatever happened last time.