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Annotate and request remote control button missing when screensharing with ipad


We have a user reporting that when entering a meeting with another user via ipad ios Zoom client, when screensharing they are reporting they are not having access to the Annotate and request control button. 

To specify they see this issue when the person they are meeting with that is. They use a PC, HP specifically. 

We have a test meeting where they met w/ support to test this out and they provided screenshot of this function not working. 

Apparently it is by design that when an iPad is joining a Zoom meeting and does a screen share, the Annotation option is not there. 


As of now we only have the following workaround for this: 

  • User can join via Mac client and then use the Advanced sharing option to share via Airplay —> iPad. This way the annotation option will appear.

Users is not satisfied with workaround, is there any time line of when a fix or patch of this would be developed?