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All of my recurring meetings disappeared today but are still accessible via phone app only


I have 8 to 10 recurring meetings, a few of which I have used since 2019. All of my recurring meetings disappeared today. I last used one yesterday.


I use the desktop zoom app, so I logged in to web to see if my meetings were visible in my account on web. They are not there.


I then followed the support page instructions to "Recover" a meeting (this recovers a meeting that was deleted), but I am not presented with the "Recover" option in the expected place.


I created a new recurring meeting and it shows up in my account in the desktop app and on web, whereas all my old recurring meetings are just gone. There is nothing in "Previous" and they are not in "Meetings."


Did this happen to anyone else today??


NEW INFO that I discovered right before posting: I am able to see all my existing recurring meetings on my Android phone app, including the new one I created today. PLEASE HELP. What is happening?


EDIT: Now, I can see my older recurring meetings on web, but I cannot see them on my desktop app (Windows), which is where I most need access to them.


EDIT 2: I updated the new meeting to be a recurring meeting with "No Fixed Time" and I cannot see it on my desktop app at all anymore. All of the meetings are recurring with "No Fixed Time." This is the root of the problem. What is the fix?



I use to be able to navigate this by clicking on the "meetings" in the Zoom application however it appears Zoom has changed the desktop app (i'm on a mac) to call "recurring meetings" as "anytime meetings" and sits on the left hand side of application navigation screen as a drop down menu.... Screenshot 2023-07-11 at 8.03.16 AM.png

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Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

I'm so sorry for the inconvenience this has caused! We are in the process of reverting this change. In the meantime, I recommend updating your Zoom desktop client to version 5.15.3 and then locating your recurring meetings from the Meetings tab in the Anytime Meetings drop-down arrow. We have a new support article about this issue and will keep it updated with new information as it becomes available.

Zoom Community Team
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Hi, thanks, but I can't find that menu on, would you say where it is?


Aaagh. Nightmare. What is going on. Likewise, all my recurring meetings that I set up for each of my psychotherapy clients have disappeared. Really poor service from Zoom. I'm thinking about moving to another platform as Zoom is becoming 'not fit for purpose' anymore. 

I agree, thinking of changing platforms. This is unacceptable.


Same here. All recurring meetings gone. It is an absolute nightmare. Where is the support??? Can someone recommend other platforms 🙏🙏🙏😲


I don't know if this will help. I had to log in again, go to My Account,  choose Personal then Scroll down to Meetings. All my recurring meetings are there.  Completely different format from before and extremely user unfriendly to access.

Many thanks, Penelope, it really helps!!!

(Yet I am annoyed that costumers are expected to find out themselves and share and find the essential info for using the software...)


Almost all my many meetings are recurring (98 percent) and any "workaround" will inevitably add extra time, effort and complexity. As such there is only one alternative - another provider (however much I have valued zoom in last couple of years). Some companies like to self-destruct....


I've now discovered that if I go in via my browser (rather than via the app on my pc) I can still see all my recurring meetings. It's a bit of a pain having to go this route, but at least they're still there. Next to see if I can set up anytime recurring meetings this way. 


Yup, issue is solved by another update ... at least on the Mac


This is completely terrible, for a service we pay for.  Does anyone know how we feed back... presumably they can change it if we ask clearly enough.



Jumping on this thread to say "me too" - I can see my recurring meetings on my phone and via browser at , but not in the Windows app, which is how I always use Zoom. Hopefully it will be solved soon.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer


Although this community forum is useful, the best way to get traction on an issue is through Zoom's official feedback process.

"Zoom welcomes your ideas, requests or comments about Zoom".

Submit your feature request or complaints here;

If my reply helped, don't forget to click the accept as solution button!

Good suggestion, Frank. Another thing those of us with Pro accounts can do is submit a support ticket about this - I just now did that.


This has happened to me today. When I log in on my laptop, the home button is missing, and the meetings button opens with what was formerly the home screen,  so my guess is the meetings button has somehow been edited out of the app and replaced by the home button.  Initially, I wasn't able to view my meetings on the website platform. They have now been restored to that platform but still no sign of restoration within the laptop app.  Is there anyone out there who has had this problem and has been able to resolve it?

When I updated the zoom program there was a button saying "anytime meetings" on the home screen, that made my recurring meetings show up. I had to manually update, despite having auto update on all my devices. Hope it helps

Thank you for this. I have now manually updated Zoom (this option was not available when I first logged in) and can see the "anytime meetings" button, and clicking it does bring up my meetings. However, because the side panel in which they appear is not re-sizable, with many of my meetings similarly labelled with the main distinguishing factor being the ID which appears at the end, I am unable to distinguish which meeting is which. This is so frustrating. 


I just lost all my recurring meetings and Zoom has the audacity to have absolutely no help for a paying customer. I’m done with Zoom. Always a problem and NO customer support whatsoever. Worthless. 


Hopefully you now know to update zoom, so you get the icon for 'recurring meetings' on the computer app.

Are you able to tell me, please, how you are able to create more recurring meetings?  I can no longer find that option.  thanks. 

I can't find it anymore either, and use it for all of my meetings. 

I see what you guys mean. In the scheduler, instead of a simple checkbox "Recurring", it seems to insist on a specific date and recurrence frequency, which is not what I'd want. The documentation on the Zoom website has not yet been updated to reflect the new interface, so that's no help. Yesterday I submitted a support ticket for the OP issue, so when they reply (no doubt telling me to update), I'll ask them how to create an "anytime meeting".


I couldn't see my recurring meetings on any platform. Update fixed it, but an update caused the problem. Luckily I wasn't about to start a meeting when I discovered it. Makes me look unprofessional when things like this happen. Zoom, get your act together! This is a paid service and should work properly.



I decided to uninstall Zoom and download it again. Now, on the right-hand side, I have a link for "Anytime Meetings." All of my rooms are listed there now.New Zoom Screen.jpg

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

I'm so sorry for the inconvenience this has caused! We are in the process of reverting this change. In the meantime, I recommend updating your Zoom desktop client to version 5.15.3 and then locating your recurring meetings from the Meetings tab in the Anytime Meetings drop-down arrow. We have a new support article about this issue and will keep it updated with new information as it becomes available.

Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

Thank you. Yes, I just saw that they are now back in "Meetings" after having disappeared from there a couple of days ago! Now they have disappeared from the calendar panel. Thank you for fixing this issue!

I just uninstalled then reinstalled Zoom using your most recent version/link posted on the website. I agree with the myriad of others who have posted their frustration and dissatisfaction with Zoom and the recent change they rolled out with Recurring Meetings no longer appearing anywhere except for the website login. I need the previous option as well as being able to set the recurring meeting up with No End Date and a specific day of the week and time. I need to be able to access easily as I used to do no matter where I am logging in to kick the meeting off from my desktop, from my phone or logging in on the website. This change is not user friendly and we are a paid subscription for this very purpose. We use this for a large non-profit organization where many users subscribe to Zoom in order to run a recurring meeting easily and to be able to start the meeting from any device. Please advise if Zoom is looking to satisfy its customers and fix this issue where we can setup a continuous meeting with no end date for a specific day of the week and time and kick it off no matter which method of login.


This was fixed in July - the developers were very responsive. Instead of just complaining, let the community help you. You say you installed the most recent version, but can you share more information? For starters, I suggest these three pieces of information:

  • Version (click your avatar in the top right corner and select "Help..." then "About Zoom"):
  • OS (Windows or MacOS):
  • A screenshot of your Zoom window, particularly the top area. I would expect the choices in the top center of the window to be Home, Mail, Calendar, Team Chat, Meetings, Contacts, and More. If yours is different, a screenshot is helpful.


Everyone, GOOD NEWS! The Zoom developers reverted the change. The support people wrote to me to tell me, and I've confirmed it - see this screenshot, with the Home and Meetings tabs back to normal and all the recurring meetings happily accessible.

Zoom restored.png

If your installation didn't automatically update, check for updates manually.


They don't seem to care...I've lost clients because they have the credentials for the recurring meetings and I don't.

LeePost18, they care just fine - I was actually impressed by how quickly they responded. When they discovered the problem, they immediately reverted the change and released another update. So all you need to do is update your Zoom app.

 I just updated....not there.  


Well, I don't know about the MacOS version, but in Windows, version 5.15.3 fixes it - the Meetings area looks just like it used to before the bug. To see your version (at least in Windows), click your avatar in the top right corner, then select Help -> About Zoom. If you're still having problems, submit a support ticket directly to Zoom.


Did you try the fixes that the folks above in our community recommended?