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New Zoom Mail and Calendar Client


On Monday the 8th, when I noticed that Zoom introduced "Zoom Mail and Calendar Client"  I immediately logged in and set it up. It worked great, and I love it!


Today, it's gone. Has this happened to anyone else?

How could this have happened?


Any help would be appreciated. 



Even though I was on the required version, the app did not have Mail - after uninstalling and downloading again it is now there...but for how long..



Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

As of November 10th and client version 5.12.8, Zoom Mail and Calendar clients are here for good. Only reason you would not see them on your desktop client is if your admin has disabled those options from the web settings. 

In my case O365 calendar syncs well but Mail tab displays blank white space only. What could be the reason for that?

Krzysztof Dobrowolski


We opened Zoom this morning only to find a new "calendar" which only has the option of "today" "previous" and "next" arrows to find your appointments which are scheduled.  Next only lets you move forward one day at a time.  We have a diary booked up until December and are regularly editing it. I hope Zoom are open to RSI Claims as I imagine there may be a lot of repetitive strain claims if we are only able to move forward one day at a time.  Much better the way it was, move forward one month at a time and then pick the day rather than hitting the arrow 161 times just to get to November never mind December and that's only for one edit.  It is also trying to make us sign up to a Zoom email, which we don't want. Lots of tweaks and not all good for everyone 🙈