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Webinar recording didn't change view during live event


We had a webinar last week and set the view with a spotlight on the speaker.  At the end, we changed it to gallery view to allow the 4 speakers to answer questions together.  I just downloaded the video and shared it with the presenters who noticed that the last speaker was still spotlighted.  She told me that there are often 2 versions of the video recording but I can only see 1.  Why didn't the view change on the recording?  It did change on the screen.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @KathyPalmer,


You didn't mention whether this was a Cloud or Local recording, but you said you downloaded it, so I'm assuming it was a Cloud recording,


Recording in the cloud has a number of optional views you can pick. See the Personal -> Settings menu on the Recording tab.  Mine looks like this:



I think if you have the Record active speaker, gallery view and shared screen separately item checked you'll only get one view in your main view file.  Look at the list of recording files by clicking on the recording's name in the Topic column:


It might look something like this:



You can view each of those files individually by clicking on the name.  If one of those files has the view you're looking for, I recommend downloading that directly and providing it to your presenters.  If none of those are what you were looking for and any of the other views were selected in your Recording settings, make a trial run to see if unchecking them gives you what you're looking for.  That's what I do all the time... try it and see.


I have all the boxes checked because I download all the views and compose the client's video in Adobe Premiere Pro, and often need to place the speaker's box somewhere where it doesn't interfere with the shared screen or slides.


Let me know if you need some more guidance on what to check, uncheck, download, etc.  Some day I need to run a test with all the possible combinations of Recording Settings and see what the differences are!


Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

I am having a similar issue. I want the cloud recording to record the shared screen and the gallery of speakers.  However, it only ever records the shared screen and the active speaker.  There are 2 separate files created, but they are the same:





 My settings are as follows:




Any insight is appreciated!

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

No insight yet.  I really need to make a test run of various settings... but too much video editing this week. 


When you say you want to "record the shared screen and the gallery of speakers", do you mean gallery on the same video with the shared screen, or as separate videos?


I'm also realizing that the actual video recorded on the cloud is done differently than meetings, I think.  It might depend not only on the Host's view settings, but also the settings the Host sets for the Attendee view. I'm going to reach out to my Zoom Community Champions and see if anyone is a "recording expert" that might already know.


So many variables!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Thanks, Ray! For my webinar recording, I want to include the shared screen (a PPT presentation) and the gallery view of panelists together in one video/recording.  What I am getting now is the PPT presentation and a thumbnail of the active speaker in the upper right corner.


The issue I am trying to resolve is being able to record a webinar where one of the panelists is a sign language interpreter.  This person is never the "active speaker" and so never seems to appear on the recordings.


I many settings and a lot of the support articles seem to contradict each other when explaining how a cloud recording should work.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Thanks, @dlucian.  Another quick question: Do you recall whether or not the interpreter was also spotlighted?


In some cases, I think I've seen Cloud Recordings put all Spotlighted speakers on the Speaker view.


I've been working on a test matrix for various combinations/permutations... the number of options is mind-boggling, when you consider testing Cloud and Local recordings too!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

No spotlighting was done. I just learned about that feature while reading other posts 🙂.  I'm also wondering if there is a difference in what appears on the video if recording locally vs. in the cloud with respect to spotlighting.