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Upload pre-recorded videos to Zoom Events


Can I upload a pre-recorded video to my OnZoom event? For example, I want to replace a pre-recorded video in place of a Live event. Attendees can buy tickets to view the event except it will be a pre-recorded video. Thanks for any input.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hey, @RJSkyway,


I'm very familiar with Zoom Events... not so much with OnZoom, though.  But I have poked around to see if there's any mention of uploading a pre-recorded video to OnZoom, if that's your main focus.  It does not appear that you can upload a pre-recorded video as a presentation or part of a presentation.


In Zoom Events, there are places where you can upload a 30-second promo video for various sessions, but I did not see this capability in OnZoom.


What I see frequently asked is, "Can I present a pre-recorded video in my Meeting or Webinar?"  The answer to this is "Yes, you can!"  The Share Screen feature has a second tab labelled "Advanced", and on that tab is a "Video" icon. With that icon selected, you are prompted to show a video from your computer.  The video needs to be on your computer, and compatible with the Zoom Video Player.  If you test it and it checks out, then yes... when you're ready to show your pre-recorded video, crank up the Share Screen and play the video you have.


Does that answer your question?  If not, give me some more details of your situation and I'll do what I can to help.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

I had this same question, "Can I upload a pre-recorded video" - in my case, to Zoom Events. I like your solution @Ray_Harwood ...but it doesn't completely solve my issue.


I will be in a situation where I have limited bandwidth. The concept of 'pre-uploading to zoom' would mean that it lives in the Cloud - vs living on my computer. This way, it wouldn't require the bandwidth to stream the video from my local laptop.


Any ideas?