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Recordings not being converted, recordings stopping during meeting, told not enough storage space


I've had this happen multiple times in the past week where my recording stops in the middle of a meeting, or after a meeting has finished, it will not convert and I get a message saying there is not enough storage space. I store locally and I am certain I have enough space. In fact, I recently moved several recording files to backup drive. I have tried manually double clicking on the unconverted files and continue to get the same message stating there is not enough disk space.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @anderson-burgos 


Please look at the Zoom Desktop App’s Settings for Recording. The result location for storing recordings should be there. Click the Open button and navigate to the location specified. If there is any sort of disk space limitation or quota at that location, this could limit your ability to use that location. Consider changing the location to another drive or to another folder where you have unlimited storage access. 

Also note that Zoom’s recording process can consume file space at the rate of 4G per hour of recording, sometimes more, and the conversion process could use double that while in the process of creating the resulting files. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.