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Re: Webinar Waiting Room?


I have closed session which requires attendees to be put back into the waiting room. Board members remain as panelists to continue closed session, however, public members are normally set as attendees. Is there an option to hover over attendee names and place back into the waiting room until closed session ends? I thought I saw the option before but no longer available? I can only put panelist/participants into the waiting room but that’s not ideal for a board meeting.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @mc28.


I’m not sure from your post whether you’re talking about a meeting or a webinar. 

If a Webinar: There’s no way to put “audience” attendees back in a Waiting Room once the Webinar has been opened for attendees. If your board needs to convene in a closed session, I’d  recommend setting up a Breakout Room, pre-assigning board members into it, and disabling the ability for anyone to join directly.


If a Meeting, it is possible to put any attendee back into a Waiting Room. Depending on how many non-board attendees there are, it might still be easier to go to a Breakout Room. 

One advantage of moving to a Breakout Room, if you normally record your meetings, is that the Breakout Session would not be recorded. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.