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How to record a class that shows only the teacher


I want to be able to record classes that show only the teacher conducting the class and then be able to share the recording with people who request them.  How can i do that?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

There's a few different things I tell faculty to do in this case when recording to the cloud:


  • In your cloud settings, you can un-check the option to record the gallery view, and turn on options to only record active speaker and your shared screen.  You can even record the active speaker and screen as separate video files as well.  
  • Spotlight the teacher - This means whomever is talking, the video will stay on the spotlighted participant.  Note this only works if a certain number of folks have their camera on.
  • I also sometime mute all the participants and don't let them unmute, or once I'm sharing my screen, I go into the More button and click "Hide Floating Video Panel."

Hope this helps you.