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How Do WeAdd The Webinar Registration To A Landing Page On Our Website


Hi Everyone,


You would think this information would be readily available within the account > webinars section, however, it has been difficult to find any information on how to integrate the webinar registration into a landing page on our website.


Thanks for your help.


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee


Hi Lennie


Yeah, we saw that...while it is specific to "Meetings" it is not the same as "Webinars".


We tried using an IFRAME for the webinar link and it was a visual disaster.


We have a sneaky suspicion we're going to have to use a pop-up of sorts...our concern there is that it may no be mobile-friendly.


Open to other ideas.


Much appreciated.







Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

The only way that I have successfully embedded the Zoom Webinar Registration was via Hubspot.  I copied the embedded code from Hubspot registration options and embedded into a Google Blog as a test.  Check with your CRM admin to see if they have the option.




Thanks Lennie,


You know...we can send people to the Moon, Mars, the ISS, and even send a car to float out in outer space...yet....something as simple as embedding a registration page into a WordPress website seems to be a problem.


I say this because I did a lot of research on this and this community was my last option.


Some of what I found goes back a few years....meaning...this is not something new and you would think that some type of API, use of Zapier, ....or something...would have been available by now. 


Heck, even a Zoom WordPress plugin would do the trick.


Oh well.