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Dual Monitor PPT share issues + Disapearing Mouse Cursor


Working with three Macbook Pro's with an ATEM switcher, noticing the following issues with Main presentation Mac, and QC Mac


Signal Flow -

Mac#1 connected to ATEM, via HDMI - use only to feed audio, or video playback into webinar

Mac#2 connected to ATEM, via HDMI - Main PPT Presentation machine (dual monitor, "Not Mirrored" screens

Mac#3 connected to ATEM, via HDMI - QC, used mainly to view live Preso's / also used for corporate email, via second monitor

[Not using ATEM to switch sources per se, mainly using as still store, and to switch mic, and music from Mac#1 on/off]



1. with Mac#2  - Zoom window on Mac Retina display, and PPT deck on external monitor.   Sharing PowerPoint application [Not Screen] and Monitors NOT mirrored, I see the slides full screen on the Retina in presentation model however, on Mac#3/QC I see in sort mode.


Also, the Retina display on Mac#2 is now full screen (slide show mode) with the PPT and I can't access other Mac applications/desktop unless I click back on the external monitor.


2.  The mouse will vanish moving between the external monitor, and the Retina display on Mac#2   This means I might not be able to unmute people, launch polls, etc..    I have revered to not using the external monitor which I need for real estate.





It sounds like you have a combination project to figure out.


  1. In PowerPoint I think you need to go to Slide Show Setup menu and define what monitors you want PPT to display onto.
  2. In the new Mac OS's the multi-monitor configuration has changed quite a bit. There is a ton of flexibility, but it takes awhile to get a grasp of what is being offered. I had to first know exactly what I wanted as an outcome. And then I had to admittedly read very slowly in the Mac monitor setup to really understand what I should expect when selecting different options.

I know my response isn't a direct solution, but I've been where you are, and it's not a simple typed response for the solution.

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Jeff Widgren | Host of the Zoom Test Kitchen