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Remove Zoom app discover from client




we would like to remove the "discover" tab on Apps menu, see screenshot


In deed, users ask us for a lots off Apps because they are browsing the discover tab and we want to restrict that


is this something that can added to the ?




Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello @comgui,
My name is Brandon. Thanks for joining the Zoom Community! We do not currently have a setting to disable the discover tab at this time, but I can double-check with our Product team and see if this is possible on the roadmap for a future build. By chance do you have a support ticket submitted for this ask?



Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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thanks for checking


i had a chat  with the support but no ticket to specify sorry

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @comgui


 No worries. Can you formally put in a Feature Request for this by filling out the form in the page? 


I do see that we have a similar Feature Request open and about to be deployed but that one does not look like it will disable the discovery button. It is more geared towards more admin control within the Discovery button. I am requesting more clarification from the Engineers on how this functionality will work with the marketplace and discovery tab. 




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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Community Champion | Employee



 The feature that will be released in an upcoming version will be to only allow apps that the Marketplace admins approve to appear in the discovery tab, there is not a current feature request to disable the tab from showing on the Zoom Desktop application. If you fill out that form on the page HTTP:// then the product team can review and see if this is something that we can implement in a future release. I am sure that you are not the only customer that is asking about this function. 



Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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this feature will be enough for us

we do not need to remove the discover tab if we can only show the approved apps


thanks a good news 🙂


any date for this realease  ?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee



Great! I am glad that it will work out for you. They did come back and say that there is no way to disable the discover tab per user experience fundamentals, so that works out perfectly. 


I am checking with the team on the release date. I will let you know as soon as I know. 




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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 This functionality will need to be enabled by our backend team, so if you would please reference this thread and submit a Support ticket to ask that this be enabled for your account.




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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hi seems great,


i created the ticket (#14940025) , 


i let you know

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee



 Yes, I am talking to the Technical Support team now via Zoom chat. I will work with them to get traction on this for you. 




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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tants brillant 🙂 thansk 

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee



 I got an email update on this today. We thought initially that this could be enabled on the backend by support but this is not GA yet, so we are working with the Engineering team to get this enabled for your account only. This will be deployed someday in the future for all accounts but for now, it is on a  "need" basis. Either I or the Technical Support Engineer that is assigned to your support ticket will let you know when this is enabled for you to test on the account. Thanks so much for your patience and kindness while we work on this for you and your users. 




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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Hi Brandon


its a not a pb at all, thanks a lot for your follow up en this topic, we really appreciate


i ll wait four your or the support update then. FOr now the App is only available through GPO on some test computers so we can easily validate once deployed



Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee



 I just checked in on the Support ticket and Engineering opened a task. It appears that the Support Engineer is on top of the issue. If you have any issues at all, reply to me here and I can help out the team. I am hoping that this task is completed this week by Engineering. 




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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