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What are the terms of use for zoom AI companion summaries?


Is cloud recording required if I want to use zoom AI companion summaries and question?


It says that you can use it by turning on the summary function toggle on the summary settings page, but is this a problem?


If you check the transcription section of ZOOM's function, it says that the record to the cloud toggle must be turned on.


If the transcription function is used in the summary and question function of Zoom AI Companion,

I would like to check if I am worried that the summary and question will no longer be available.


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi @FcPv8DrT 

Using the AI Companion features during a meeting does not require the meeting to be recorded to the cloud.


Additionally, transcripts of cloud recordings do require cloud recording be enabled, but if you are just using automated captioning during the meeting, you do not need to record to the cloud:


Hope that helps and let me know if you have any further questions. Otherwise, make sure to mark the solution as accepted if this information is what you needed.