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AI Companion setting "Use screen share content with OCR"


Hello, I've turned on 2 AI Companion settings "Use screen share content with OCR" and "Use meeting chat messages" and would like to know where and how to interact with Zoom in a way that uses those settings. We recently held a meeting, which was recorded, that we had text in the chat and on the screen that was not said out loud by anyone. The text was important to our meeting, but not mentioned in the content in the AI Summary. Also, when using AI Companion in Workplace, after the meeting, it did not yield any mention of the on screen or chat text. Any insights are appreciated! 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello @NIGP 

I have been wondering myself about the OCR feature as well; I wonder if it works only with Whiteboards, or a second Camera, etc. but I am still playing with it trying to find an answer; on the other question about the Chat I think I can help: with that option enabled you are telling AI Companion that the all the Chat during the meeting should be captured and used for example, in the summary. I haven't tested it myself but I assume it is only the Public Chat and not the direct messages, but that is one I am still pending to test.


If I can find an answer on the OCR one I will get back to you.


I hope this half-help.
