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Zoom app showing meetings that I did not schedule


When using the Zoom app on my desktop, I am used to seeing the list of my scheduled meetings on the left side. Normally, only meetings that I have scheduled would be on the list. Recently, we started collaborating with a different institution, and now whenever they invite me to a meeting, it shows up on the list of meetings on the app. There are so many of them that they bury the meetings that I have actually scheduled and need to access.


I am not the administrator of the account, so I have limited settings that I can control, and I haven't found a way to remove these meetings. It only happens when one particular person from the other institution schedules the meetings. It does not happen with anyone else, either from our own institution or from others.


Oh, and these meetings only seem to show on the app, not when I log into Zoom from a browser and look for upcoming meetings. I only see the recurring meeting that I use regularly.


Is this even a setting on my end, or is it a setting that the other person controls when they schedule the meeting? And please, I don't want to just switch to using the browser. I use the app for a reason and don't want to abandon it.


Thank you.