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upgrade, meeting cut short at 40 minutes even though I have the upgraded plan


Not thrilled that I had a meeting cut short, asking me to upgrade, even though my paid account is already upgraded until may 2023. 

Why did this happen?



Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @mm2020 , thank you for contributing to the Zoom Community. 

Can you please double check that you are logged in to the correct account? 


Please confirm and keep me updated!

Zoom Community Team

Carla (she/her/hers)
Zoom Community Team
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Thanks, Carla, Yes, it is my personal account and I was on a client call during a personal crisis moment of emotion and the call ended. 

The other account that I have access to is a business account. 



Hi Carla,

It happened again, cutting me off during a crucial meeting at 40 minutes looking for an upgrade. I am paid until May. This is completely unacceptable as it is interrupting me at critical infliction points in my conversations. It is embarrassing and unprofessional to have these meeting cut off. 

I need real support. I check the license as recommend. If I am unable to use zoom, I want a refund. This is ridiculous. 



Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @mm2020, I'm really sorry to hear that you are still experiencing issues with your meetings stopping at 40 minutes. I have assisted in converting your inquiry into a support ticket.  Please watch out for a follow up email with information on your case.


Zoom Community Team

Carla (she/her/hers)
Zoom Community Team
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STILL!!! When can zoom accept responsibility for this and help on the internal side?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @mm2020.

I'm going to make an assumption for a moment that you've recently upgraded your personal account from Basic (free) to Pro (Licensed).  If so, your situation happens a lot: you need to assign the License you purchased to your User Account.


See this web page for assistance:


Follow these steps taken from the article:

    1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal at
    2. Click User Management, then Users.
    3. Locate or search for the user who you want to assign a license. There will likely only be your single account ā€“ click your account
    4. Click Edit at the end of the user row. This will open a window.
    5. Choose the User Type to assign, selecting Licensed.
    6. After choosing the User Type, use the drop down to select the license. There should be an indication that you have 1 available user license if you have indeed purchased one or more new licenses. Click the available license.
    7. (Optional) Assign add-ons can be included by checking the boxes for the add-on. You will not likely have any add-ons, so you might skip this step.
    8. Click Save.

The license is now applied to your user account and you can use it immediately.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Thanks, Robert. Please don't make that assupmtion. I have the licenses on, I have had this account since May 2022. It is not time to renew. This is an internal problem- and I can't get a human on the line. 

i am furious,- I am having very sensitive conversations and get cut off. 


I am having the exact same problems. Has yours been sorted yet?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @Morsostrings.

Melissa went through the steps I outlined above, and still had issues. My understanding is that ultimately she was able to get her problem corrected by Zoom.


Please be sure you've gone through the steps outlined above to ensure that your License is assigned to your user login.  If you have completed that step and still have issues, it's not something those of us in the Zoom Community can do for you (it requires access to your account, which we do not have), and I'd recommend submitting a Support Ticket:

Submit a Support Ticket:

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Old Desert Lizard, this did not help me at all. I upgraded recently, but the account is always Basic. If I go to User Management and then Users, it is asking to upgrade again. Really ridiculous as someone pointed out. I got cut off multiple times. It is so embarrassing 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Contact Zoom Billing for support; they can see the details on your account and either fix it on the back end or advise you exactly what to do.


Because this is a public forum, we do not handle billing related questions here. Please submit a support ticket to the Zoom Billing team here and they will be able to assist you.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


Yes, I am in the correct account. Help. I have to teach class...i was cut off two times today.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Being in the correct account isnā€™t really enough. Did you follow the 8 steps above to ensure your account had the license assigned to it?


If so, and you are still experiencing this issue, you need to contact Zoom Support for assistance:

Submit a Support Ticket here: 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee



 This may have more to do with scheduling your meetings than with the licensing, especially if you are sure that your licensing is correct. 


I have worked with customers in the past in which we had to clear cookies (browsing history) and re-integrate calendar integration with the correct account; Then, they could finally utilize their licensed account over their previous understanding. I see this often with people with multiple accounts; one has a pro license, and the other is basic. 


My recommendation is to remove the basic account unless you absolutely need it; otherwise, log out of the primary account, clear your cookies and browsing history so that your cached credentials are not stored in your browser, and make sure that if you schedule meetings via calendar integration that your paid account email address is the one that is integrated with your calendaring. 


@CarlaA, if I can help these people in any way, please let me know how I can help. 




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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