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Two licenses on Pro account but can't host two separate meetings


I have a Pro account and I bought two licenses so I and another employee could host meetings.  We have two problems:  1) we don't know how she can have a separate identity from me when she hosts or schedules classes, and 2) we cannot host two separate classes (she hosts one and I host another) simultaneously.  This was the whole reason for getting two licenses and is very important.  Do I need to "link" her personal account to my organization in settings?  I need to host two separate meetings on Monday, so I'm pretty desperate to get an answer.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @LFGS.


Interesting situation.  Assuming that you have two separate user logins under one owner's account, and a License is assigned to each of you, then your meetings are separate and you should be able to schedule simultaneous meetings.


Based on your description, though... you say you have only "a Pro account", which I understand to mean ONE account shared by you both OR two accounts that are not linked.  First of all, sharing credentials on one account is against the Zoom Terms of Service... but it doesn't sound like you're trying to avoid paying for two people (you won't believe how many people try to do this).


So my advice to you is to create a new "work account" for your coworker and assign the second license to that. I'm guessing you wouldn't want to pay for her personal account, and this would be a business expense.


You apparently have Private Messages turned off... I was going to send you a link to work with you online briefly to walk you through the decisions and process.  It's not difficult (if you've done it before!), but since you're working on a Monday deadline, I thought I'd try to help.  If you can turn on PMs, message me and I'll get back to you.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

I would gladly turn on PM if I knew how to.  Can you tell me how to do that?  I've looked around settings but I'm not finding

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Click this link and check Turn on private messages:


This might not work for all cases.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

At the risk of sounding like a real dummy, I clicked the link and it took me to "preferences" in My Settings, but I don't see a private message setting.  I took a screen shot.  Am I just not seeing it?  It has been a long dayScreenshot (469).png

I guess we can't private message.  So, I'll try to answer your questions in the reply you originally posted above, which I appreciate.  I have this Zoom Pro account for my small nonprofit.  We do a lot of online meetings and classes.  I hired someone to manage these online classes and so I bought a second license so she and I could use the account for the nonprofit's work.  My memory is that I invited her or put her email somewhere to allow her to use the license, but then she couldn't see the classes that we were scheduling.  So, then we, somehow, got her access to the account--I identify her as an "alternative host."  But this clearly was not the correct way to set her up to use the second license because we cannot host separate meetings at the same time. My nonprofit is a small operation and I'd rather not purchase the most expensive subscription.  Perhaps your advice of creating a new "work account" makes sense, but I don't know how to do that either.