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Paid membership and receive credit


I have paid total fees in Nov-22 for one year and not it is showing me as basic user and in Payment section, showing as some credit of payment


Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @opk can you please check to see if you have assigned your license? 


Here is how to Assign Zoom licenses

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. Click User Management, then Users.
  3. Locate or search for the user who you want to assign a license.
  4. Click Edit at the end of the user row. This will open a window.
  5. Choose the User Type to assign
    Note: If your account utilizes the Meeting Connector, but on-prem  is not available under User Type, then you will need to manage on-prem users, using the Group, Account, or User Profile level settings.
  6. After choosing the User Type, use the drop down to select the license.
  7. (Optional) Assign add-ons by checking the boxes for the add-on. For Large Meeting, Webinar, or Zoom Events licenses, choose the radio button for the size of the license, if it is not automatically selected.
  8. Click Save.
    The license is now applied to the user and they can use it immediately.
Zoom Community Moderator

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