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My account is still basic after I've paid to upgrade


So I upgraded my account recently and I've been charged but my account is still stuck on basic with the 40 min limit.


I've got a meeting in 25 mins that needs to be an hour so can someone help?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @petecodes 


Having purchased you license, you will then to assign it to your own user profile. You can do this by editing your user here and adding the new subscription to your user profile. 


Hope this helps.




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Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @petecodes 


Having purchased you license, you will then to assign it to your own user profile. You can do this by editing your user here and adding the new subscription to your user profile. 


Hope this helps.




Hi , me too facing same issue. I done make payment to upgrade my account but until today it's still it's show basic . It's already 5 days . Kindly assist

Please let me know is your issue resolved because I am also stuck in this problem

Ahh Isn't this so frustrating - not to mention that you can't get help from Zoom until you're ready to throw in the towel?  Anyway...

My problem as it turned out, was that I had TWO accounts and the 'other' one became my upgraded one.  

But I only hace one account which I have used as email while purchasing but still its not allowing me to shift my account from basic to licensed in user management:(

Ahh Isn't this so frustrating - not to mention that you cant get help form Zoom until you're ready to throw in the towel.  Anyway...

My problem as it turned out, was that I had TWO accounts and the 'other' one became my upgraded one.  

Hi. So how do we get a live person at Zoom? I upgraded my account and it still says its basic.

Please can someone advise how i add a new subscription to my user profile. My account remains basic and i have upgraded 5 days ago. Thanks in anticipation


Your problem is sorted?

Thank God I'm not the only one. I'be been paying for Pro for months but I'm still on basic in my account. I'm now subscribed to Pro twice and still my account doesn't reflect this. Big fail Otter!

I have been the admin for my company Zoom account for about 3 years, I have found only two scenarios where this problem occurred. One was the issue of more than one email address. A user who had a Pro licensed account through the company got married, but never updated her email address in her Zoom profile. Some time later she unknowingly created a new account using her new. married name, email address. This was a basic account. Once we got that straightened out she had access to the full licensed account.


The other scenario I have encountered is that the user must be logged out of ALL DEVICES before the upgraded account will become available. I've had users tell me they quit  the application on their laptop, but it turns out they were logged in on another laptop or their cell phone. Once they logged out on all of their platforms, they were able to log back in to a licensed account. Hope this helps...

Darnit, that didn't work.

NOt solved. It continues to ask me to pay to upgrade even though  I already have and the payment has been made. I think this process could be made easier. Please help me to move me to Pro upgrade which is WHAT I PAID FOR, please! I have spent more that 20 minute s waiting on line for your "support" to no avail. 

After making the payment how soon will the account get upgraded. I need it for an urgent meeting tomorrow

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @stgregorios/.


You probably need to assign your newly purchased license to your user account. See this web page for assistance:

Follow these steps taken from the article:

    1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal at
    2. Click User Management, then Users.
    3. Locate or search for the user who you want to assign a license. There will likely only be your single account – click your account
    4. Click Edit at the end of the user row. This will open a window.
    5. Choose the User Type to assign, selecting Licensed.
    6. After choosing the User Type, use the drop down to select the license. There should be an indication that you have 1 available user license if you have indeed purchased one or more new licenses. Click the available license.
    7. (Optional) Assign add-ons can be included by checking the boxes for the add-on. You will not likely have any add-ons, so you might skip this step.
    8. Click Save.

The license is now applied to your user account and you can use it immediately.

If this does not fix your issue, please submit a support ticket to our Billing team here and they will be able to assist you.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


Me too. I have upgraded to Pro and done the payment, but my subscribtion still appears BASIC. HELP Please, as I will need more than 40min for tomorrow meeting


Same problem! Maddening. I get knocked off in the middle of meetings. Has been happening from the time I upgraded 7 weeks ago.


Please let me know is your issue resolved because I am also stuck in this problem 😞


Ahh Isn't this so frustrating - not to mention that you cant get help form Zoom until you're ready to throw in the towel.  Anyway...

My problem as it turned out, was that I had TWO accounts and the 'other' one became my upgraded one.  



Same problem here. Got downgraded, paid the $226 fee but am still stuck on basic. Tech support chat bot is useless too. HELP! I have meetings all day and night

Hi, please tell me if you're problem is sorted.


It turned out that I had two email addresses registered.  You need to find if you have another registered and delete the one you're trying to use. Good luck. And yes, I cannot believe Zoom's support is so terrible. 


Also try this email address:  ***********

They eventually replied to this.

Even after that, got someone on the phone, said the needed a minutes, ten minutes later it hung up. No callback even though she took the phone number. Zoom is horrible customer service. 

how do you even get someone on the begining to hate zoom for lack of customer support!!



Hi, I am also facing the same issue. paid the amount for upgrading to pro. but still showing basic. Any solution for this?


I'm also having this challenge. Please help


I upgraded to Pro on 10 November, but in 22 Nov it becomes basic. How this is happening to my account? Can someone from Zoom help!!


I am having the same issue and trying to raise a ticket or get support seems to be a job in itself.  Zoom please resolve my pro account issue please, saying basic instead of pro after the upgrade.


  Many thanks

Me too! How can I resolve this issue with Zoom? This is the second unresolved issue I have with Zoom!



Hi, I am also facing the same issue. paid the amount for upgrading to pro. but still showing basic. Any solution for this? PLEASE HELP

i am facing the same problem, called Zoom hotline but no one answers! can't believe Zoom has that such bad customer service support!!!


maybe its realted to zoom Limit assign license,  unable to assign lisence because " You have exceed... - Zoom Community 


I have upgraded to Pro. Email confirmed payment. My account shows I have Zoom One Pro. Yet there is still a time  limit on the meeting. I have tried every (sometimes contradictory) fix for this. Agains, I have only one account and it shows Zoom One Pro. Like the other folks with this issue, I need to resolve immediately. 



Same Problem!!!!  Help, I can't reach out to support because I'm showing as a Basic account.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

I suspect that although you have paid for an upgraded account, you have not actually assigned the licence. Zoom does not do this part for you. You will need to act as the account admin and assign the upgraded licence to your account.

Assigning a single license


Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
Click User Management, then Users.
Locate or search for the user who you want to assign a license. (Your own account)
Click Edit at the end of the user row.
This will open a window.
Choose the User Type to assign.
After choosing the User Type, use the drop down to select the license.
Click Save.
The license is now applied and you can use it immediately.



If my reply helped, don't forget to click the accept as solution button!