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Charge for a Zoom Meeting


I'm trying to host a 3 hour workshop where people pay for it within Zoom but have the ability for all students to see each other.  I'm just not sure I can do this all within Zoom. So I'm looking to do one of two things: Either charge a fee for my workshop via Zoom Meetings OR have the ability to see everyone in the Zoom Webinars where I can charge a fee. How can I do either of these?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hey, @Carowine,


A couple of questions:

  •  Are you planning to meet with many people at once, or just one client at a time?
  •  Will you be meeting multiple times with the same client, or only once?

I don’t think Zoom will do this for you by itself. Charging within Zoom for Zoom events is only  available in Zoom Events and Zoom OnEvents, neither of which are probably appropriate for you. 

Depending on your specific needs, I’d likely recommend either Eventbrite (for multiple clients in one meeting) or Calendly (for single clients and multiple-session meetings). I use both in my consulting practice as a Zoom event producer. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Thanks Ray!


  • Are you planning to meet with many people at once, or just one client at a time? Yes, about 17 at once. 
  •  Will you be meeting multiple times with the same client, or only once? No, a one time workshop, which hopefully will lead to one-to-one sessions. 

So are you saying schedule the Zoom webinar and put that event link on Calendly or EventBrite? 




Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@Carowine - Carol...


Thanks for the info.  So I'm actually recommending "one or the other", and based on the fact that you're doing one webinar with 17 or so people one time, my recommendation would be to use Eventbrite for registration and payment, and to use the feature in Eventbrite that links the Eventbrite registration into your session.


Which brings me to this point: You said you want to see everyone, and you also said you want to have a Webinar.  With Webinars, you don't get to see all the attendees, normally; a webinar is designed more for a lecture/presentation-style with one (or a maybe a few) presenters to many attendees.  So maybe you want a Meeting instead -- which is where everyone naturally sees everyone else.  There is a way in a Webinar to see everyone -- by making everyone a "panelist", which while do-able, is just a little unusual, and also doesn't really get you any better features than a Meeting.  Plus the Zoom Meeting is included in your Zoom Pro account (which I'm assuming you have), and the Webinar license is another $79/month.


And then one caveat: Eventbrite isn't a trivial platform, and if you haven't used it before, you might want to consider a simpler approach -- one that doesn't require you to come up to speed on Eventbrite first.  We can discuss what that simpler approach might be, if that's your preference.


Calendly is a great tool (I use it!) for getting more one-on-one meetings with a few clients... for example, you can have your 17 clients in your webinar, tell them all about the great service you have to offer, and then ask them to arrange a meeting with you via Calendly. But it's not really applicable to the "many people in a webinar or meeting" situation.


Hopefully that's more helpful than it is confusing.  If you'd like more in-depth help with this, let me know and I'll send you a Direct Message with my contact information, and we could have a 30-45 minute Zoom meeting to discuss some of the details.  No pressure, no charge.  I do occasionally offer to do this in situations complex like yours that aren't really of the "troubleshooting" variety.  Let me know if you'd be interested... if not, we'll continue chatting here on the Zoom Community.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.