since ‎2023-02-09

User Statistics

  • 6 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 9 Likes given
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Our last system sync'd with Google Calendar (optionally) to reflect the fact we're in a meeting (not just a Zoom meeting) and effectively mute our office phone temporarily. For example if we had a meeting on calendar X, the phone would route everythi...
We moved from dialpad to zoom phone under the impression that our license would travel with us as users as we move between devices as is the case on every other tool we use. We work in two locations on Windows 11 machines running the zoom app differe...
Our zoom phone shared group line rings several times BEFORE the auto-attendant takes over, which is unlike any VOIP system we've had. How do we silence that initial ring, but maintain ringing after extension choice? Note; we only have two assigned nu...
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