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tableau blanc


Bonjour à tous

mes participants ne peuvent pas ecrire sur la tableau blanc  parce que " the owner of the whiteboardonly allows sharing with userswithim the same organisation"

c'est a dire le proprietaire du tableau blanc autorise uniquement le partage avec les utilisateur de la meme organisation


j'ai rien touché et avant ca fonctionné 


please help help me


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi, sorry for the late reply, you need to have the owner of the whiteboard modify their settings to allow sharing the board with external users . We recently made changes to the permissions and if sharing with external users is not allowed, external users won't be able to obtain temporary edit permissions of the board in the meeting.


Dear Flexlu

I have a similar issue. The owner of the whiteboard only allows sharing with users within the same organization.


I am the owner of the Zoom licence and the owner of the whiteoard frame I created for my participants.

Today the participants arre not able to use the annotation toolbar. They don't even seeit when I share my  whiteboard with them.v I can even share the link to to whiteboard with any one . It blocks every time in try toenter an email adress. Saying that participants outside the organization are not allowed...  

Though in my zoom settings I did activate this function under Whitebard (basic) and many other. 


Please help me asap. I spent so much of my time but alos other people time trying to fix this. I uploaded hte latest version of zoom today with no success.


Do you have a online help desl call center that can contact me and provide support within 24 hours? 

Hello Dimitra, sorry for the late reply, I'm back from the holiday today. You said "The owner of the whiteboard only allows sharing with users within the same organization", so you need to set the sharing scope "Allow sharing with users in the same organization and outside your organization" in Account Setting -> Whiteboard ->Whiteboard cloud sharing -> Sharing.




Same here and I don't see this feature "WhiteBoard Cloud Sharing".

Hi Jocya, can you see the "Account Management" -> "Account Settings" in your sidemenu?
