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Strange anonymous reactions in Team Chat


I was reviewing the chat thread of my weekly study group, and I hovered over some reactions to see who left them. In most cases the app displayed the name of one of our regular group members, but there were 5 reactions that showed a raw user ID (a bunch of random characters followed by at instead of a name.  For context, I'll tell you that the meeting requires a password and users must be logged in. I don't think anyone posted the meeting ID publicly.


This suggests that either 1) there's a bug in the app that sometimes prevents it from retrieving the user's display name, or 2) someone programmatically tried random meeting IDs & passwords until they guessed ours, which allowed them to leave reactions in our team chat. If #2 is correct, then they might keep logging in to it until they discover the meeting in progress, and zoom bomb us.  Which suggests that we should change the meeting ID or expect bombers.


Has anyone else run into these unexplained anonymous reactions in the chat thread? Any suggestions?


UPDATE: I had a group member look at it, and he was able to see the display names instead of the long user ID at, so I guess it's a problem with my Zoom client retrieving (some, but not all of) the names.