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Zoom Digital Signage -- design best practices + how to make it easy for n00bs


Hello friends,

I have a bunch of digital displays that are strategically placed in public areas on my community college campuses. Right now I'm thinking of them as being digital bulletin board/campus map/which class in which room devices.. 

We have Yealink boxes on each. 

I'd love to see some suggestions for how other folks might be using theirs like this.

Probably more importantly, I would love to know the easiest way to keep them updated with fresh info, most likely by staff members who are not super technical. 

Specifically, is there a way to point a specific zoom room to a file in a Google drive for its content? I'm thinking the file would be a slide deck that my colleagues could open every morning and type in daily schedules/news/etc.?

  • are there any apps on the marketplace that make this kind of thing easy?

Thanks in advance. I'll try some things and post here if I come up with anything good!