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Standardizing Multiple Zoom Rooms


We currently have 41 ZoomRooms across our campus. In my new role at my university, I now manage the majority of the ZoomRooms on campus. I would like some assistance on how on standardize our Zoom Rooms on one setup as currently we have the following issues:

  • The are about 7 different service accounts that all our Zoom Rooms use. I would like to transfer them to all one service account.
  • We also have some ZoomRooms which are 32-Bit installs and some that are 64-Bit installs. In trying to move all our PC’s to Windows 11, I want to move them all to 64-Bit installs.

What I would like to know is what you be the best procedure to change the service accounts and Bit version of each ZoomRoom so they are all standardized. Any advice on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer


I needed to combine three service accounts in my company into one in 2020, and since only one account can belong to a single email address, I needed to move users from one account to another. Specifically, I moved the users of the two accounts to be deleted by inviting them from the accounts to remain. Since account owners cannot be moved to other accounts, we gathered all users into one account by obtaining a dummy e-mail address via G-mail or other means, creating a dummy user account, and then making the dummy user the owner.
We then terminated the contract of the account to be deleted.

In the case of Room, it is easy.
Room allows you to register the same name if the account changes, so you can simply create a Room with the same name and re-pair the device with the account you want to keep.
Then, after the migration, you can cancel the Room license that you do not need.

There is no way to automatically update 32-bit apps to 64-bit; only one method would be to manually overwrite the 64-bit apps.