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Site-Wide Parking Lot Visibility (Phone > Lines)


I would like my users to see all parked calls in their site when they go to Phone > Lines in the Zoom app.

The purpose of a parking lot is to quickly answer calls and park them in the parking lot so someone else in the site can pick it up and help the customer. Currently, you can only see your own parked calls which is very limiting.


If users can see all parked calls for their site they can see how long all callers have been parked and pick up the customer that's been parked the longest. This provides a lot of value for customers with high call volume where a receptionist fields most of the calls and parks them for the sales team to pick up.


Does anyone know of a way to see all parked calls for your site?  If not, would you find value in this feature if you use the parking lot feature?



Hi Ry!


There isn't a way that I have seen to show all site wide asked calls. It would certainly be a useful tool to have. There is an add-on service called the Zoom Phone Power Pack that we don't have. I don't see it specifically listed as-such though in the features list.


I hope this helps!



Thank you for the suggestion, @FORE-Craig . I have the PowerPack enabled on my account, but it doesn't make a difference. I can still only see the calls that I've parked, not parked calls from other users. This would help our users out a lot so I'm hoping others find this idea useful and Zoom can put it on their roadmap.

You're welcome, Ry! It's too bad that it's not included in the Power Pack. I feel that you should definitely suggest it as an enhancement! A simple list could be added to the Lines tab of the desktop client app perhaps sorted by the duration that the call has been parked with the info of who parked the call, and an icon to retrieve the call.
