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How can ensure that queue calls are routed to AVAILABLE users?


I'm trying to prevent call queue members from receiving queue calls when they are already in a (Zoom) call or meeting.  I have the queue set to route to the user who has been idle the longest. 


Calls are being routed to users who are in (Zoom) meetings, are in (Zoom system) calls, or have placed outbound calls.  Users can manually "Opt-out" for every non-queue activity, then "Opt-In" once the activity is complete, but that is inefficient and results in poor system performance. Users regularly forget to "Opt-In" after their current activity ends, and unless they manually seek their queue status, have no indication they are not active in the queue.


How can I ensure that queue calls are routed to AVAILABLE users?



HI @DeanMcC 


If your users are using the Zoom desktop app, there is an option in the app's Phone Settings called "Hide

incoming calls while in a meeting":


Hide incoming calls while in a meeting💻: Turn off notifications for incoming Zoom Phone calls while you are in a Zoom meeting.


Note: This setting only applies to the Zoom desktop client. If you are in a Zoom meeting using the desktop client, your provisioned desk phones will still ring. If you are in a Zoom meeting using the mobile app, you will still get notifications for incoming Zoom Phone calls.


There is also the option "Receive calls while on a call" on the Zoom web portal under Admin > Phone System Management > Call Queues > Profile , you can turn this off to prevent a user who is on an active call from receiving notifications of other incoming calls.


See attached screenshots. 


I hope that helps!




Those suggestions match the existing configuration, but I suppose individuals may have un-checked the "Hide incoming calls while in a meeting."  I assume that "checked" is the default setting.  Can that option be disabled through policy or do we have to focus on educating users not to deselect it?

Hi @DeanMcC 


I don't see in support articles whether checked is the default state, although I would assume so. Yes, the option can be set and disabled through GPO:


I hope that helps!
