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Dial pad not working


Hey all, 


Has anyone had an issue where their users couldn't use the dial pad during the call? 


Eg: when navigating a company's answering service. 

press 1 for.... 


Any help would be greatly appreciated



Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Thank you for your post, @liam_vandenend, Welcome to the Zoom Community!

What type of device are you experiencing this issue on? Is it a cell phone or your laptop? 

The most common fix for this is to make sure the Zoom Client is up to date with the latest software version. Here is a helpful guide on making sure your device is up to date:

Once the client is up to date, navigating to the dial-pad while in a call can be done by clicking on the keypad Icon - this will be in the same place on all of the software. 

Here are two guides that might help:

1:Using in-call controls:
2: All-purpose user guide to Zoom Phone:

Please let us know if you have any other questions and if this helps!


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee



It sounds like you may be referring to entering  Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) options within an IVR.  There are a number of causes for this the most common of which is a misconfiguration on the remote or called phone system. 

I would advise opening a ticket with Zoom explaining the issue and informing the organization you're calling that they may have an issue. 

Hope this helps. 


I have this issue particularly with the Zoom Assistant (power pack) widget.  It works for me in the full Zoom Client


I have a user that needs to do a conference call with a client, and then theyy need to add another call to a business that has a menu system. The problem is the numbers pressed on the keypad no longer work after a merged/conference call.

Any ideas on getting number presses to work after a merged/conferenced call?

Good to hear I`m not the only one facing same crazy scenario. I have opened ticket for this. So far I received information that Zoom is only supporting DTMFs starting with * - to control Zoom call it makes sense but in case external IVR it makes totally no sense. If I will have any productive response I will share with you.

EDIT: I have response from Zoom Support:
"Regarding the DTMF send on conference call not reaching EXTERNAL IVR, this is working as designed.
DTMF is not supported in conference calls when the "Multi Party Conference" is enabled."

For me this is a bug rather than not supported feature...